Welcome to my World of Letters

'Hearty Welcome to my little world of Letters where I'm spontaneously spilled over in my soliloquies. The thoughts and feelings, expressed over here, are solely mine and they have nothing to do with my profession.'

Monday, September 19, 2016

My Days

Everyday, with the dawn,
I throw my card,
Spade,Heart, Diamond, n Club,
Wishing to win all,
Weaving the dreams:
Of riches, name n fame,
But all goes in vain.
My stuff is thinning out,
Neither can I add,
Nor can it be stopped,
Like a gambler,
With every dawn,
I throw my Ace,
And, I calculate in the dusk,
But all goes in vain.
As things stand,
Neither can I stop the losing game,
Nor can I speed,
Nor can I start from the beginning,
Yet, I can’t help playing,
Let it all go n let me see,
What shall I achieve?

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